Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Navigating to Net Zero: Decarbonisation in Shipping and Aviation

12:30 CET

Join ITF experts for an intriguing and stimulating discussion which convenes experts and policy makers from across governments, the private sector and third sector to explore the decarbonisation trajectories in the maritime and aviation sectors, with a focus on key low-carbon technology and fuel developments and the imperative for increased deployment of alternative fuels. Building on this, the discussion examines the translation of decarbonisation strategies into concrete and targeted policy actions, highlighting the complementary role of carbon pricing mechanisms and the realignment of government support. Panelists exchange on how sectors can best work together to accelerate decarbonisation in the maritime and aviation sector, lessons learnt from existing frameworks and policies, and how to increase support for technologies which will deliver credible emission reductions in both sectors.

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