Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Race to Zero

Achieving net zero emissions by 2050

The Race to Zero Dialogues were virtual events that aimed to achieve a world with net zero emissions by 2050. Convened by the High-Level Champions for Global Climate Action, they took place from 9 to 19 November 2020. ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim joined high-level transport action leaders to kick-off the Transport Day on Wednesday, 11 November, of which ITF is a lead organiser. 

The Dialogues helped actors, partners, and the general public to better understand the ambitions of non-Party stakeholders and brought together the diverse range of activities that were already creating impact. 

The Dialogues demonstrated non-Party stakeholders’ willingness to support more ambitious NDCs and Long-term Strategies to deliver Paris Agreement objectives as soon as possible. The Dialogues also served as a launchpad for action ahead of celebrating the Paris Anniversary in December 2020, and followed-up on outcomes from the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit convened by the UN Secretary-General.



Opening Session: Envisioning a Decarbonised Transport and Mobility Future

Can Asia Lead the Way to Zero-emission Freight?

Sustainable and Resilient Transport Infrastructure and Systems in Africa

Re-thinking Urban Mobility: Tactical Urbanism and Public Transport in Latin America post-Covid-19

Closing session: Moving Forward to COP26: Race to Zero Transport Day