Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

10th ITF Transport Statistics Meeting

10th_itf_statistics_meeting_agenda.pdfAgenda of the 10th ITF Transport Statistics Meeting
itf_task_force_on_collecting_data_on_emerging_mobility_patterns.pdf2.1 Findings of ITF Task Force on Collecting Data on Emerging Mobility Patterns. Presentation by Rachele POGGI, ITF
shared_two_wheelers.pdf2.2 Shared Two-Wheelers: a Pleasure or a Burden? Shared and Active Mobility Data Available in the Netherlands. Presentation by Marly ODEKERKEN-SMEETS, CBS, the Netherlands
task_force_on_standard_inputs_for_economic_analyses_for_rail.pdf3.1 Task Force on Standard Inputs for Economic Analyses for Rail. Presentation by Giacomo POTENZA, ERA
rail_sustainability_index.pdf3.2 Rail Sustainability Index. Presentation by Snejana MARKOVIC-CHENAIS and Alice FAVRE, UIC
potential_new_indicators_on_rail_transport.pdf3.3 Potential New Indicators on Rail Transport. Presentation by Yaroslav KHOLODOV, ITF
challenges_with_the_data_used_in_the_itf_report_new_but_used.pdf5.1 Challenges with the Data Used in the ITF Report "New but Used". Presentation by Matteo CRAGLIA and Andreas KOPF, ITF
streamlining_of_the_common_questionnaire.pdf7.1 Streamlining of the Common Questionnaire. Presentation by Alain GALLAIS, Eurostat
definition_of_non-motorised_transport_infrastructure_proposal_for_new_definitions.pdf7.2 Non-Motorised Transport Infrastructure: Proposal for New Definitions. Presentation by Rachele POGGI, ITF
ev_charging_station_definitions_and_data.pdf7.3 EV Charging Station: Definitions and Data. Presentation by Fadiah ACHMADI, UNECE
update_of_2019_handbook_of_internalisation_of_external_costs.pdf8.1 Update of 2019 Handbook on Internalisation of External Costs. Presentation by Iuliana LUPU, European Commission - DG MOVE
methodological_aspects_for_passenger_mobility_analysis_using_big_data.pdf8.2 Methodological Aspects for Passenger Mobility Analysis using Big Data. Presentation by Giovanna ASTORI, ISTAT, and Mario TARTAGLIA, FSI, Italy
electric_vehicles_kilometrage_and_charging_patterns_quick_survey.pdf8.3 Electric Vehicles: Kilometrage and Charging Patterns - Quick Survey. Presentation by Orit YALON SHUQRUN, CBS, Israel
big_data_and_ai_to_analyse_mobility_in_spain.pdf8.4 Big Data and AI to Analyse Mobility in Spain. Presentation by Tania GULLÓN MUÑOZ-REPISO, Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Spain
presentation_of_itf_data_and_statistics_work.pdf9.1 Presentation of ITF Data and Statistics. Presentation by Diego BOTERO and Xiaotong ZHANG, ITF
the_french_transport_satellite_account.pdf9.2 The French Transport Satellite Account. Presentation by Pierre AMOROS, Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, France