Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

OECD Blockchain Policy Forum

ITF's Advisor in Innovation and Technology Katja Schechtner chairs a parallel session on "Blockchain and Beyond: Encoding 21st Century Transport" on Wednesday, 5 September from 11:00 - 12:30 CET. The event will be broadcast live.

Urban mobility today is a siloed world of separate and independently-regulated services. The application of distributed ledger technologies to urban mobility may lead to a future more aligned with “as-a-service” models where actors engage directly with one another based on commonly agreed protocols. ITF will present findings from the report “Blockchain and Beyond: Encoding 21st Century Transport’’. Panellists will discuss how blockchain might better integrate these different factions as well as how public authorities can prepare for a more interconnected urban mobility ecosystem.


  • Irfon Watkins, Chief Executive Officer, DOVU
  • Philipp Schartau, Director & Advisory, Innovation at EY (Tesseract)
  • Tuomas Kaivola, Ministerial Advisor, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland
  • Guillaume Dechaux, Venture Architect Partner, ConsenSys

For more information, see the agenda

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