Private Investment in Transport Infrastructure: Dealing with Uncertainty in Contracts

This report examines how decision makers in the public and private sector can better manage the uncertainty inherent in contracts for privately-financed infrastructure and procurement more generally. It presents the findings of 33 experts from 13 countries, convened in a working group by the International Transport Forum. Detailed analyses of specific questions are available in 17 working group papers that complement this synthesis.
Private Investment in Infrastructure Working Group papers
- What is Private Investment in Transport Infrastructure and Why is it Difficult?
- The Role of Private Investment in Transport Infrastructure
- Quantifying Private and Foreign Investment in Transport Infrastructure
- Risk Allocation in Public-Private Partnerships and the Regulatory Asset Base Model
- Uncertainty in Long-term Service Contracts: Franchising Rail Transport Operations
- Competition for Infrastructure Projects: Traditional Procurement and PPPs in Europe
- Collaborative Infrastructure Procurement in Sweden and the Netherlands
- Risk Allocation in Mega-Projects in Denmark
- Risk Pricing in Infrastructure Delivery: Making Procurement Less Costly
- The Danish State Guarantee Model for Infrastructure Investment
- Public-Private Partnerships in Transport: Unbundling Prices from User Charges
- Dealing with the Obsolescence of Transport Infrastructure in Public-Private Partnerships
- A Corporatised Delivery Model for the Australian Road Network
- Infrastructure Funding: Does it Matter Where the Money Comes From?
- Capex Bias and Adverse Incentives in Incentive Regulation: Issues and Solutions
- The Thames Tideway Tunnel: A Hybrid Approach to Infrastructure Delivery
- Mobilising Private Investment in Infrastructure: Investment De-Risking and Uncertainty
Papers written in preparation for the Working Group: