Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention Roundtable

Presentation: The role of AI in the mapping of dangerous locations on the road networkPresented by Alexandre Santacreu (International Transport Forum), 10 February 2021
Presentation: The Accelerated and intelligent collection of RAP attributesPresented by Monica Olyslagers (iRAP), 10 February 2021
Presentation: Road Danger Prediction - Classic models, AI models and Data ChallengesPresented by Richard Owen (Agilysis, UK), Craig Smith (Agilysis, UK) and George Ursachi (Agilysis, UK), 11 February 2021
Presentation: Probe Vehicle DataPresented by Michelle Fransen (National Road Traffic Data Portal NDW, Netherlands) and Bas Turpijin (National Road Traffic Data Portal NDW, Netherlands), 11 February 2021
Presentation: Using AI for Spatial Prediction of Driver BehaviourPresented by Apostolos Ziakopoulos (National Technical University of Athens) and George Yannis (National Technical University of Athens), 12 February 2021
Presentation: Average Speeds and Road Safety in São PauloPresented by Luis Fernando (Cordial Institute, Brazil) and Villaça Meyer (Cordial Institute, Brazil), 12 February 2021