Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Carbon pricing for international shipping

    ... developing states. In discussions at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), carbon pricing is referred to as a "market-based ... it becomes their interest to decarbonise.. For the maritime sector, a carbon tax, bunker levy or fuel levy would correspond to a ...

    Promoting inland waterways

    ... Mode shift and demand management Maritime Transport:  Freight Selection of related ... public: 2001-2014. Jonkeren O., ...

    Company car taxation, business travel and teleworking incentives

    ... with company cars drive 24 672 km per year, compared with 12 828 km per year for private cars. Such differences can translate to a ... Royal Society for Public Health (2016) ...

    Vessel scrappage and retrofit schemes

    ... an Italian scheme that provided tax breaks totalling EUR 12 million a year to help ship-owners scrap small, single-hull oil tankers ... operations and planning of transport systems Maritime Transport:  Freight Selection of related ...

    Support bunkering infrastructure for alternative fuels

    ... bunkering infrastructure in ports available. The FuelEU Maritime regulation proposed by the European Commission (EC) will require ships ... ...

    Vessel speed reduction

    ... Overview:  Slow steaming is the practice of reducing maritime vessel speeds. By operating ships at a speed significantly lower than ... Costs:  The implementation of lower speed limits for maritime vessels has no direct costs. However, operating at lower speeds ...