Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Accession date:  1998 Body:  Transport Indicators: ... Body:  Transport Indicators: ...

    Zero Value of Time Roundtable

    Project blurb:  In current transport appraisal practices, travel time is considered wasted time. Based on ... including modelling and forecasting, appraisal methods and transport and land use policy implications. ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim opened the Roundtable meeting, which gathered over 35 transport policy practitioners, transport modellers, academics and behavioural ...

    Decarbonisation Pathways for Indonesian Sustainable Urban Mobility (DISUM)

    Project blurb:  Urban passenger transport makes up 80% of air pollution in Indonesia. The Southeast Asian ... establish effective low-carbon policies to avoid a surge in transport emissions. Project visual:  ... cost-efficient decarbonisation pathways for passenger transport across Indonesian cities. It analyses future scenarios for urban ...

    Bike sharing

    ... by amounts ranging from zero to almost 50%. The average transport system-wide CO2 reductions reported have typically been very small or ... travel: A controlled longitudinal study. DeMaio, P. (2009) Bike-sharing: History, ...

    Mobility Innovation Hub

    ... helps governments to develop innovative policies for better transport in the face of uncertainty and rapid change. It scans for ... distributed ledger technologies, quantum computing, and all-solid-state batteries. The Horizon Scan convenes experts and stakeholders ...