Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    On-demand public transport

    ... (accessed 11 November 2021), based on CO2 emissions of 168 g/km for a passenger car ...

    Promoting inland waterways

    ... public: 2001-2014. Jonkeren O., ...

    Transport at the nexus: Reflecting on COP28 and looking ahead to COP29

    ... low-carbon fuels required to decarbonise the shipping and aviation sectors. Sourcing sustainable carbon feedstock (e.g., from direct air ... synthetic methanol would require installing an additional 1.1 TW renewable electricity assets –167 times the total renewable capacity ...

    Decarbonising Transport Project: Modelling Framework

    The quantitative part of the project relies on the suite of transport models developed by the ITF. These models cover all regions of the world and all modes of transport for both freight and passenger. They represent a set of coherent models...