Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Fuel certification and standardisation based on carbon intensity

    ... including its carbon intensity. The International Civil Aviation Organization's Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (ICAO CORSIA) sets criteria for fuels which include mandatory carbon ... Fuels, ...

    Fuel quality/Low-carbon fuel standard

    ... Low-carbon fuels and energy vectors Aviation Maritime Rail Road Transport:  ... (ICAO), ...

    Enhanced cycle provision

    ... 5% of all CO2 emissions from car travel. In Germany, 11% of trips (3% of total vehicle-kilometres travelled) are by bike, if 50% of ... one third of trips could be replaced, resulting in 11% fewer vkm and therefore a reduction in CO2 emissions of up to 11%. A ...

    Carbon labelling for flights

    ... and lower bounds should be determined in the context of aviation. Providing information on the labels about the purpose and goals of ... effect, they may help raise baseline standards in the aviation industry. Some studies suggest that as consumers make more informed ...