Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Parking regulation

    ... Mode shift and demand management Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    Car sharing

    ... friendly modes, contributing to increased levels of road traffic, congestion and related emissions, especially where conventional, ... with Swiss households. Wu, T. et al. (2018) Analyzing the Effects of Car Sharing Services ...

    Multimodal freight interfaces

    ... from rail transport are eight times less than those from road transport (though this gap can change depending on several factors, e.g. ... Aviation Maritime Rail Road Transport:  Freight Selection of related ... Santos, B.F. , S. Limbourg, and J. S. ...

    Sustainable urban logistics plans

    ... include reducing local air pollution, congestion, noise and road safety incidents. Plans may also identify and promote ways to achieve ... systems All Transport Rail Road Walking and Cycling Transport:  Freight ...

    Access and Safety in European Cities

    ... the project will develop indicators specifically for urban road safety to enable direct comparisons across European cities and urban ... be examined in the light of differing mobility patterns and road user behaviour. A number of case studies will describe how specific cities ...

    Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

    ... improve urban liveability and facilitate the reallocation of road space to other uses. By increasing the efficiency of multi-modal ... Innovation and up-scaling Rail Road Walking and Cycling Transport:  Passenger ...

    Transport at the nexus: Reflecting on COP28 and looking ahead to COP29

    ... on parties to "accelerate the reduction of emissions from road transport on a range of pathways, including through the development of ... on transport that support the delivery of this commitment on road transport. The Road Transport Breakthrough under the Breakthrough Agenda ...