Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... Demand measures, such as fuel tax increases or charging for road use, can help reduce a potential rebound effect. There are also ... Mode shift and demand management Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    IRTAD Group Activities

    Following the creation of the  Research Centre  in January 2004, the former IRTAD Operational Committee was replaced by the Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group, under the direct responsibility of the Research Committee. ...

    Enhanced bus networks

    ... optimal skip-stop services can reduce fleet size by 12.5% (Tang, 2018). In Shanghai, China, minimising carbon emissions from ... operations and planning of transport systems Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    Low- and zero-emission vehicle mandates

    ... and contribute to other externalities such as congestion and road fatalities (McConnell, 2019). Furthermore, LZEV mandates may dissuade ... are more effective in accelerating the decarbonisation of road transport depends on the specific policy designs and local circumstances, ...

    Our Impact

    ... decisions on issues as diverse as railroad regulation and road safety, acces ...