Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Road freight data only include freight transport carried out by national ... Transport Indicators: Note: Road freight data only include freight transport carried out by national ...

    IRTAD Contact

    Véronique Feypell de la Beaumelle, Manager of the Road Safety Programme   Tel. +33-1 ...


    ... Transport Indicators:  Note: Road freight transport only includes transport carried out by Swedish ... Sweden. Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. Note: Rail ... Transport Indicators: Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. Note: Rail ...


    ... rail freight transport includes all rail vehicle movements. Road freight transport is derived from the vehicle stock. ... rail freight transport includes all rail vehicle movements. Road freight transport is derived from the vehicle stock. ...