Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Express lanes / public transport priority

    ... that could be considered, depending on the capacity of the road under ... lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions, but results depend on road network and mobility patterns (for instance through the possible increase ... Lane in Lisbon.. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Volume 39, Issue 12, January 2006, Pages 239-244, ...

    Smooth driving: from eco-driving to automated vehicles

    ... Outcome:  Innovation and up-scaling Road Transport:  Passenger Freight ... Jootel P. S. (2012) Safe Road Trains for the Environment, ... and Communication Technologies on Energy Efficiency in Road Transport: Final Report, ... Tientrakool P., Ho ...

    Carbon offsetting (aviation)

    ... on projected carbon offset unit prices of USD 6 to USD 12 (low assumption) and USD 20 to USD 40 (high assumption), the ICAO projects ...