Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Decarbonisation and the Pricing of Road Transport Roundtable

    ... from fuel taxes will decline. This Roundtable, held on 12-13 September 2022, considered alternative revenue sources that can offset ... loss of fuel tax revenues. These included various road pricing options, congestion charging, and taxes on vehicle ownership and ...

    Social Impacts of Time and Space-Based Road Pricing Roundtable

    Project blurb:  Road pricing still remains highly controversial in public debates despite the ... Social Impacts of Time and Space-Based Road Pricing Roundtable ... Several attempts to introduce road pricing have failed politically due to perceived equity concerns. Despite ...

    Drop-off collection points / Pick-up consolidation

    ... operations and planning of transport systems Road Transport:  Freight Selection of related ... research in Poland. Transportation Research Procedia, Vol 12, p 644-655 Liu, C., Q. Wang, Q. and Y.O. Susilo (2019) Assessing the ...