Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... a break in the series. Note: Since 1996 rail freight transport has not included privately owned wagons.    ... a break in the series. Note: Since 1996 rail freight transport has not included privately owned wagons.    ...

    Coastal Shipping and Combined Transport Roundtable

    ... for first and last-mile transport. This Roundtable, held on 13-14 October 2022, explored best practices and policies to develop coastal ... by encouraging modal shift from road freight toward rail and maritime freight. This Roundtable was part of the ITF’s 2022-23 ...


    ... Note: Since 2007, rail freight transport includes transport carried out by private companies. ... Note: Since 2007, rail freight transport includes transport carried out by private companies. ...

    SIPA-T Philippines Deliverables Repository

    ... 9 and 10 November 2022. itf-sipa-phl-workshop-rail-road.pdf This presentation contains a list of policy and technology measures to decarbonise rail and road transport, and their level of implementation. ...


    ... cars and vans were introduced. In 2015, the methodology for rail passenger transport was changed. Data include road passenger transport by ... cars and vans were introduced. In 2015, the methodology for rail passenger transport was changed. Data include road passenger transport by ...

    Sustainable finance regulations

    ... damage to assets (e.g. flooding or coastal erosion for rail or road infrastructure) as well as indirect impacts from supply chain ...