Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Restricted access to zones

    ... LEZs should be adjusted over time to account for changes in road use/demand within the restricted zones. Low-emission zones have been ... zone for lorries in London range from GBP 3 million to GBP 10 million, depending on the type of enforcement system introduced and related ...

    Vessel speed reduction

    ... show, for example, that: a speed reduction of 10% can translate into a 27% reduction of engine power requirements and a 19% ... carriers and shippers. Mander, S. (2017) Slow steaming and a new dawn for ...

    ITF work on Shared Mobility

    ... The results were stunning: In the shared mobility city, only 10% or less of the number of vehicles were needed to get citizens where they ...

    Decarbonisation and the Pricing of Road Transport Roundtable

    ... loss of fuel tax revenues. These included various road pricing options, congestion charging, and taxes on vehicle ownership and ... the Roundtable examined equity aspects of decarbonising road transport and considered policies to address negative distributional ...