Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... cars and vans were introduced. In 2015, the methodology for rail passenger transport was changed. Data include road passenger transport by ... cars and vans were introduced. In 2015, the methodology for rail passenger transport was changed. Data include road passenger transport by ...


    ... a break in the series. Note: Since 1996 rail freight transport has not included privately owned wagons.    ... a break in the series. Note: Since 1996 rail freight transport has not included privately owned wagons.    ...

    The ITF Modelling Framework (PASTA 2023)

    ... vehicles, etc.). The model accounts for six modes: air, rail, car, bus, motorcycle, and ferry. It builds on two older ITF models, the ... OECD for all major transport modes, including sea, road, rail, air and inland waterways. The underlying network contains more than 8 000 ...