Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    IRU supports ECMT Quality Charter’s rollout in Turkey

    ... in cooperation with the IRU member UND and the International Transport Forum organised a seminar on the implementation of the ECMT Quality Charter and the promotion of road safety in commercial road transport operations. The seminar highlighted the positive contribution of the ...

    Shaping Post-Covid Mobility in Cities Roundtable

    ... same time create more sustainable, resilient, and equitable transport systems. Add a link:  ... Summary The Roundtable on 8-10 June 2022 covered four topics: First, it sought to better understand how ...

    Access and Safety in European Cities

    ... aims to provide a better understanding of the role of transport policy and infrastructure investment in improving access, safety and ... to create a set of indicators that measure access by public transport, car, bicycle and walking to public services (schools, hospitals), ...

    MaaS moves Brussels: Interregional, Interoperable and Intermodal

    ... It simplifies planning and booking trips that use different transport modes. The ease of use can encourage motorists to choose more ... and sustainable ways to travel.  Integrating existing transport offers to create a MaaS ecosystem challenges public administrations ...

    Carbon offsetting (aviation)

    ... direct emissions reductions within the international air transport sector. If offset prices remain low, they could fail to incentivise ... offsets do not directly reduce emissions within the air transport sector, adequately priced carbon credits may incentivise airlines to ...

    Pricing measures for urban logistics

    ... renewal and the use of electric vehicles for inner-city transport, thus reducing the amount of CO2 emitted by heavy vehicles. It can ... shift and demand management Road Transport:  Freight Selection of related measures available ...