Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    SIPA-T Uzbekistan Deliverables Repository

    ... Plan provides an overview of the current socio-economic and transport contexts in Tashkent. It identifies mobility challenges and sets out ... policy measures targeting the decarbonisation of passenger transport. The model projects travel demand and corresponding emissions up to ...

    Access regulations: High occupancy vehicle/Low-emission lanes

    ... include mode shift measures that encourage the use of public transport, car sharing and more generally, sustainable mobility. ... on ambient air pollution concentrations, Ellison R. B., Greaves S. P. and Hensher ...

    2020 Summit Side Event Request

    ... How does your event link to the 2020 Summit theme "Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development"? * ... collaboration for open innovation Innovation for transport system resilience Artificial intelligence transforming ...

    Vehicle purchase and ownership taxes

    ... benefits (such as shifts to more sustainable modes of transport and reductions in externalities other than CO2). Other ... for Slovenia, OECD Publishing, Paris, Dineen, D., Ryan, L. and Ó Gallachóir, B. (2018) ...