Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    On-demand public transport

    ... study of a DRT pilot programmes in 2019 in Finland showed a 12.6% reduction in vehicle-kilometres travelled. Although proportionate CO2 ... Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,  12:3 p.183-188, L.E.K. (2019), ...

    ITF at COP26

    ... 20 new measures for hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as aviation, maritime shipping and road freight. Our Decarbonisation ... Time (GMT) Venue Event 1-12 Nov   UNFCCC Virtual Platform  ITF Exhibit 3 ...

    Our global outlook

    The International Transport Forum started out as the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT), a regional organisation created in 1953, but it has looked to the world from the outset. The United States and Canada were invited to...