Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Moscow selects TomTom for a Smarter City future

    ... of Moscow, has announced a cooperation agreement to design a road transportation programme fit for the future. The agreement will see an ... goal of improving the overall situation across Moscow’s road network. Moscow is already delivering a leading road network and ...


    ... Indicators:  Note: Until 1995 road freight transport did not include own account road transport. In 2001, the method of calculation of road freight transport ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Until 1999 road freight transport did not include international transport. Since 2000, road freight transport includes national and international transport, including ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Road freight data include transport carried out by small business. Since 2016 road freight transport includes only national transport. ...

    Transport Data and Statistics

    Transport data and statistics are crucial to underpin sound policy making. The ITF collects data across a broad range of transport policy topics. The ITF Statistics Team ensures data compliance with international recollection and processing...

    Vehicle purchase and ownership taxes

    ... tax), on vehicle ownership (annual circulation tax, road tax) and on motoring (fuel tax – which is covered specifically under ... for Slovenia, OECD Publishing, Paris, Dineen, D., Ryan, L. and Ó Gallachóir, B. (2018) ...

    Sustainable finance regulations

    ... to assets (e.g. flooding or coastal erosion for rail or road infrastructure) as well as indirect impacts from supply chain disruption ... Disclosures, The Government of the Republic of ...