Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Accessing global transport knowledge

    Accessing global transport knowledge ITRD remains as an entity to coordinate the ITRD member input to the TRID database. These webpages provide quick, practical information on how to become an ITRD Member. ITRD (International...

    Decarbonising Transport in Emerging Economies - Argentina

    ... for 24.2% of total fuel combustion emissions in Argentina.  Road transport is responsible for 95% of the transport emissions in a country ... Change Action Plan. Shifting freight transport volumes from road to rail is one of the main priorities. Rail freight volumes increased 80% ...


    ... Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. Rail passenger transport data include ... Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. Rail passenger transport data include ...

    Cycling Safety Roundtable

    ... countries in a meaningful and comparable way? What is the road safety impact of e-bikes? Which policies have been developed or should be envisaged to make them safer? What is the road safety impact of public bike systems, either dock-based or dockless? Which ...


    ... Caucasian gas pipeline. Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ... Caucasian gas pipeline. Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ...


    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Since 1997, road freight transport do not include road freight transport on own account.  ...

    Quality Charter – Country Applications and Annexes

    ... compliant with the requirements of the Quality Charter for Road Haulage Operations under the ECMT Multilateral Quota System, its formal ... Minister/Senior national representative responsible for road transport in the country. ...