Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Integrated ticketing

    ... operations and planning of transport systems Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection ... 39, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 120-127, Booz & Company (2009) The Benefits of ...


    ... Note: Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. Rail passenger transport data include transport carried out by commuter rail, rail excursions, Amtrak (intercity rail) and a limited amount of light ...

    Public transport information

    ... Mode shift and demand management Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection ... services, National Center for Transit Research, ...

    Land-use planning in urban areas

    ... live in. Cities with already high densities can invest in rail transit to manage urban growth by extending lines into less-developed ... the municipality's residents and its jobs? Babalik-Sutcliffe (2013) Urban Form and ...

    Land-use planning for freight

    ... the dispersion of warehousing facilities by an average of 10 km from the city centre resulted in an additional 15 000 tonnes of CO2 ... planning of transport systems Maritime Rail Road Transport:  Freight Selection of ...

    Fuel quality/Low-carbon fuel standard

    ... vectors Aviation Maritime Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Freight ... (ICAO), ...