Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... Transport Indicators: Note: Rail freight transport includes transit. Since 2006, rail freight transport includes transport carried out all rail operators (only ...

    Road Safety Country Profiles

    ... as well as relevant  national road safety strategy documents.  Country IRTAD country profile (latest year ...

    Decarbonising Transport in Europe

    ... final ITF project publication Final project event, 10-11 December 2020 The final project event explored two scenarios to ... European Union Horizon 2020 programme.   The following documents informed the discussions of the final event: Overview of ITF ...

    Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

    ... management Innovation and up-scaling Rail Road Walking and Cycling Transport:  ... ISBN: 9789282116678 (PDF) [Available online:] ITF (2021), The Innovative Mobility Landscape: The ...

    Maritime logistics performance

    ... be reduced through advance transmission and verification of documents. Further, digital queuing systems for trucks can decrease ... vessel arrival time. Jia, H., Adland, R., Prakash, V. and Smith, T. ...