Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... Note:  Since 2004, rail passenger transport is collected by ISTAT according to the thresholds ... 2016, a new Reg. EU 2032/2016 changed the thresholds for rail transport. The Reg. EU 643/2018 has the same thresholds introduced by Reg. ...


    ... Indicators:  Note: Since 2005, rail freight transport includes all rail vehicle movements. Road freight transport is derived from the vehicle ...

    Vehicle weight standards

    ... Studies have found that every 10% reduction in vehicle weight can cut fuel consumption and respective CO2 ... from EUR 0.3 per kilogramme (kg) total weight saved (for a 10% reduction in total vehicle mass) to EUR 2.2 per kg (for a 30% reduction in ...

    ITF work on Shared Mobility

    ... The results were stunning: In the shared mobility city, only 10% or less of the number of vehicles were needed to get citizens where they ... services can act as feeder for existing metro and commuter rail lines, thus complement metro and commuter rail services and help increase ...