Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Carbon tax for road vehicles

    ... and diesel prices. Another study found that a USD 0.10 per gallon petrol tax increase would reduce US carbon emissions from the ... 37, Issue 4, April 2009, Pages 1404-1411 Andersson, J. J. (2015) Cars, carbon taxes and ...

    ITF at COP27

    ... in logistics and transportation industry   10 Nov   11:00-12:30     OECD Virtual Pavilion   ... Equality in Decarbonising Transport 15 Nov 10:30-12:00 Room Amon (150), Blue Zone ICCT – ITF Official Side ...


    ... in the Czech Republic.   Note: Rail freight transport includes transport carried out on the Czech territory ... in the Czech Republic.   Note: Rail freight transport includes transport carried out on the Czech territory ...


    ... transport by car and bus. Note: Rail passenger transport does not include international transport. ... transport by car and bus. Note: Rail passenger transport does not include international transport. ...