Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Transport Policy Responses to the Coronavirus Crisis

    Which transport-related policies and measures help to maintain essential mobility for people and the transport of critical goods during Covid-19 pandemic while avoiding to further spread the Coronavirus? We provide a first non-exhaustive...

    Restricted access to zones

    ... zone for lorries in London range from GBP 3 million to GBP 10 million, depending on the type of enforcement system introduced and related ... NO2: No impact in 11 Dutch cities and London; a 7–10% reduction in Berlin; up to a 4% reduction in 17 German cities. NOx: In ...


    Good transport infrastructure and efficient mobility services bring people together and goods to their markets. The connectivity that transport provides widens horizons and opens up opportunities. It builds stronger communities and expands their...

    Support bunkering infrastructure for alternative fuels

    ... mitigation from hydrogen production routes, Pavlenko et al. (2020) The climate implications of using ... ...