Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Road charging and tolls

    ... Institute (2019) found that toll collection costs are around 10% of total tolling revenue for electronic collection, but can be up to 40% ... Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10:7, 657-669, DOI:  10.1080/15568318.2015.1083638 Cascade (2013), “Milan’s Congestion ...

    High capacity vehicles

    ... per truck transport costs by 5-12%, the corresponding 10-50% decrease in the number of trucks required to transport the same amount ... HCVs, but only under certain scenarios when modal shift from rail to road is avoided. Data from Finland does point to a loss of modal share ...

    Internal combustion engine and diesel bans

    ... in Dublin, Ireland. Journal of Transport & Health, Volume: 10, page(s): 156-166, Editorial Board (2019) Want to Reduce Emissions? ...

    Regulations to improve energy efficiency of ships

    ... and 1 of EEDI (increasing ship energy efficiency by at least 10% compared to the baseline) have been seen as marginal: it could be achieved ... and cost by shipping at lower speeds. Rehmatulla, N. and Smith, T., (2015) Barriers ...


    ... a break in the series. Note: Since 1996 rail freight transport has not included privately owned wagons.    ... a break in the series. Note: Since 1996 rail freight transport has not included privately owned wagons.    ...


    ... Note: Since 2007, rail freight transport includes transport carried out by private companies. ... Note: Since 2007, rail freight transport includes transport carried out by private companies. ...