Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Smooth driving: from eco-driving to automated vehicles

    ... Outcome:  Innovation and up-scaling Road Transport:  Passenger Freight ... Jootel P. S. (2012) Safe Road Trains for the Environment, ... and Communication Technologies on Energy Efficiency in Road Transport: Final Report, ... Tientrakool P., Ho ...

    Carbon offsetting (aviation)

    ... aviation to achieve carbon-neutral growth from 2020, with 115 Mt CO2 being offset in 2030. Between 2021 and 2030, 70 Mt CO2 per year ... for airlines will represent 0.4% of fuel costs in 2025, 1.1% in 2030 and 2.4% in 2035. Fuel costs account for around a quarter of ...

    Decarbonisation and the Pricing of Road Transport Roundtable

    ... loss of fuel tax revenues. These included various road pricing options, congestion charging, and taxes on vehicle ownership and ... the Roundtable examined equity aspects of decarbonising road transport and considered policies to address negative distributional ...

    Social Impacts of Time and Space-Based Road Pricing Roundtable

    Project blurb:  Road pricing still remains highly controversial in public debates despite the ... Social Impacts of Time and Space-Based Road Pricing Roundtable ... Several attempts to introduce road pricing have failed politically due to perceived equity concerns. Despite ...