Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    The ITF Modelling Framework (PASTA 2023)

    ... and Sustainable Transport Assessment), covering all modes of transport, for both freight and passenger. ... on global city mobility to account for 18 transport modes. These range from the conventional private car and public transport to ...

    Enhanced bus networks

    ... ways. It can:  Attract riders from more polluting modes, namely cars. Reduce the need for the construction of transport ... hubs that encourage the use of active modes (cycling and walking) or other means of public transport. Multi-modal hubs will ...

    Enhanced signalling

    ... the efficiency and convenience of sustainable transport modes like public transport and active modes compared to private motorised vehicles. For example, signalling can ...

    Parking pricing

    ... by reducing that demand and/or shifting demand to different modes, times or locations, thereby reducing congestion and related impacts. ... of unneeded parking spaces for alternative uses like walking or cycling infrastructure Increase the turnover of the most ...

    Car sharing

    ... acts as feeder and/or in complement to sustainable transport modes (active modes or public transport) and increases their mode shares the replacement ...

    Awareness campaigns

    ... away from personal motorised travel to public transport, walking or cycling (however, other types of awareness campaigns can also be ... with information regarding the advantages of travel via soft modes. Campaigns can also include incentives to reduce the barriers to mode ...