Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Setting Scenarios for Urban Transport and Related CO2 Measures. Fourth Expert Workshop (ONLINE MEETING)

ITF Meeting ITF Meeting

DTEU 4th workshop photo

The second of two expert workshops of the Decarbonising Transport in Europe project focusing on defining relevant transport CO2 reduction scenarios took place on 25-26 June and focused on urban travel, covering both passenger and freight transport. The workshop took place online due to the Covid-19 global health crisis and related travel restrictions. About 40 transport experts representing academia, cities, government, NGOs and global industry players participated. The ITF presented the latest developments on their in-house transport models, including how transport COmitigation measures identified during the previous workshops were incorporated into the models. Workshop participants presented their perspective on urban transport and the impact of policy measures and technology trends on the transport system. Finally, participants worked in groups on several scenario-building exercises providing relevant inputs and ideas to take forward in the definition of transport CO2 reduction scenarios for Europe that will be established for this project and more generally to enrich the worldwide models of the ITF. 

Go to the Agenda of the Meeting

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