Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

International Transport

Transport Outlook 2011: Meeting the Needs of 9 Billion People

28 August 2020

The world’s population will reach 9 billion by 2050. Meeting their transport demands will be...

Faits marquants du Forum 2010

28 August 2020

Le Forum International des Transports 2010, placé sous le thème « Transport et innovation : libérer...

Trends in the Transport Sector 1970-2007

28 August 2020

How have the passenger and freight transport sectors evolved in recent years? And what about road...

Évolution des transports : 1970-2008

10 February 2021

Quelle a été l’évolution du secteur des transports de voyageurs et de marchandises au cours des...

Déficience cognitive, santé mentale et transports

28 August 2020

Les déficiences cognitives touchent une population de plus en plus nombreuse. Le terme “déficiences...

Seamless Transport: Case Study Compendium

28 August 2020

Member Countries of the International Transport Forum and International Organisations working in...

L'acquis CEMT/Principal Acts of the ECMT 1953-2003

28 August 2020

 This publication describes the main Acts of the Council of Ministers since the creation of...