Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Road Traffic

Economic Evaluation of Long-Life Pavements

28 August 2020

This study on the Economic Evaluation of Long-life Pavements – Phase I was carriedout by an OECD...

Road Safety Performance: National Peer Review of the Russian Federation. 2010 Update

28 August 2020

This update of the 2006 report has been compiled under the auspices of the International Transport...

Managing Urban Traffic Congestion

28 August 2020

Road congestion is a maddening feature of many large and growing urban areas. National estimates of...

Road Safety: Impact of New Technologies

28 August 2020

This study was carried out by the OECD Working Group on Safety and Technology,and details the...

Managing Urban Traffic Congestion Czech Version

28 August 2020

Již od nejstaršího lidského osídlení jsou rozvoj měst a dopravy nerozlučně spjaty. Podobné síly,...

Road Safety Performance. National Peer Review: Russian Federation

28 August 2020

The Russian Federation has the highest road death rate of all ECMT member countries and contributes...

Sharing Road Safety: Developing an International Framework for Crash Modification Functions

28 August 2020

Almost 1.3 million people die in road crashes every year, and between 20 and 50 million are injured...

Long-Life Surfaces for Busy Roads

28 August 2020

Long-life surfaces could substantially cut the costs of road works, including the delays they cause...

Safe & Sustainable Transport. A Matter Of Quality Assurance

28 August 2020

This document was submitted for information to the Council of Ministers at their Session...