Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Transport Infrastructure

Managing Urban Traffic Congestion Czech Version

28 August 2020

Již od nejstaršího lidského osídlení jsou rozvoj měst a dopravy nerozlučně spjaty. Podobné síly,...

2013 Summit Highlights: Session Summaries

28 August 2020

Demand for mobility around the globe is growing rapidly. Motorisation in emerging economies...

Evolution des transports : 1970-2007

28 August 2020

Quelle a été l’évolution du secteur des transports de voyageurs et de marchandises au cours des...

Transport Logistics: Shared Solutions to Common Challenges

28 August 2020

The mission of the OECD Programme of Research on Road Transport and Intermodal Linkages(RTR) is to...

2011 Summit Highlights: Transport for Society

28 August 2020

How can transport provide even more benefits for our citizens and societies? How can all transport...

L'acquis CEMT/Principal Acts of the ECMT 1953-2003

28 August 2020

 This publication describes the main Acts of the Council of Ministers since the creation of...

Évolution des transports : 1970-2008

10 February 2021

Quelle a été l’évolution du secteur des transports de voyageurs et de marchandises au cours des...