Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Long-Run Trends in Car Use

28 August 2020

The growth of car use in several advanced economies has slowed down, stopped, or turned negative....

OECD Countries Spend 1% of GDP on Road and Rail Infrastructure on Average

28 August 2020

The latest update of annual transport infrastructure investment and maintenance data collected by...

Brazil: Second Quarter 2012 Shows Trade Slowing Down

28 August 2020

This Statistics Brief focuses for the first time on Brazil, the sixth-biggest economy in the world...

Global Transport Trends In Perspective

28 August 2020

This Statistics Brief describes longer-term developments in the different transport modes, as...

Recovery Continues in Global Freight Transport - Uncertainties Remain

28 August 2020

The latest update of global freight data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD...