Funding Urban Public Transport: Case Study Compendium
28 August 2020
This compendium of case studies on urban public transport funding was developed as an input to the...
Cognitive Impairment, Mental Health and Transport
28 August 2020
This is one of the first publications to deal with international transport policy issues related to...
Investissements en infrastructure de transport et développement régional
28 August 2020
La mission du Programme de recherche en matière de transports routiers et liaisons intermodales(RTR...
Reducing Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Trends and Data 2010
28 August 2020
This document provides a brief update of GHG emission trends from the transport sector and...
Perspectives des transports 2011
28 August 2020
La population mondiale atteindra 9 milliards d’individus en 2050. Répondre à ses attentes en...
Implementing Sustainable Urban Travel Policies. National Peer Review: The Netherlands
28 August 2020
In June 1999, a team of urban travel experts along with representatives of theEuropean Conference...
La sécurité et la réforme du cadre réglementaire des chemins de fer
28 August 2020
La déréglementation affaiblit-elle la sécurité ferroviaire ? De nombreux pays envisagent une...