Freight, Logistics
Recovery Continues in Global Freight Transport - Uncertainties Remain
Statistics Brief,
1 March 2011
Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses
Roundtable Report,
26 February 2010
Intégration et concurrence entre le transport et les activités logistiques
Roundtable Report,
1 January 2010
Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses
Roundtable Report,
1 January 2010
Kernbotschaften Der Verkehrsminister. Summit 2009: Verkehr für eine globale Wirtschaft
Summit Declaration,
27 May 2009
Messages clés ministeriels. Sommet 2009 : Des transports pour une économie mondialisée : défis et perspectives face à la crise
Summit Declaration,
27 May 2009
Key Ministerial Messages. Summit 2009: Transport for a Global Economy
Summit Declaration,
27 May 2009
Globalisation and Freight Transport Costs in Maritime Shipping and Aviation
Discussion Paper,
30 April 2009
Etat de la construction et du fonctionnement du marché des transports routiers de marchandises en Europe
Discussion Paper,
29 April 2009
The Construction and Operation of the Road Freight Transport Market in Europe
Discussion Paper,
29 April 2009
Are Horizontal Mergers and Vertical Integration a Problem?
Presentation, slides, speech,
6 February 2009
Empirical Evidence for Integration and Disintegration of Maritime Shipping, Port and Logistics Activities
Presentation, slides, speech,
5 February 2009
Integration and Competition Between Transport & Logistics Businesses
Presentation, slides, speech,
5 February 2009
Empirical Evidence for Integration and Disintegration of Maritime Shipping, Port and Logistics Activities
Discussion Paper,
1 January 2009
Concurrence entre les ports et les liaisons terrestres avec l'arrière-pays
Roundtable Report,
1 January 2009
The Potential of Economic Incentives to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Goods Transport
Discussion Paper,
27 May 2008
The Relationship Between Seaports and the Intermodal Hinterland in Light of Global Supply Chains: European Challenges
Presentation, slides, speech,
9 April 2008
Responding to Increasing Port-Related Freight Volumes: Lessons Learned
Presentation, slides, speech,
9 April 2008
Responding to Increasing Port-related Freight Volumes: Lessons from Los Angeles/Long Beach and Other US Ports and Hinterlands
Discussion Paper,
1 March 2008
The Relationship Between Seaports and the Inter-Modal Hinterland in Light of Global Supply Chains
Discussion Paper,
1 March 2008
The Impact of Hinterland Access Conditions on Rivalry between Ports
Discussion Paper,
1 February 2008