Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Transport Climate Action Directory: global launch event

ITF Meeting ITF Meeting

The Transport Climate Action Directory is a web-based database of transport CO2 reduction measures. It helps decision makers to translate their decarbonisation ambitions into actions and achieve their climate objectives. The directory provides them with a range of options that can deliver concrete decarbonisation outcomes for transport in their specific context.

Access the Directory

  • Official opening - ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim
  • Statement from Minister of State (Ireland – ITF presidency) with responsibility for International and Road Transport & Logistics, Ms. Hildegarde Naughton
  • Statement from State Secretary (Netherlands) for Infrastructure and Water Management, Stientje van Veldhoven
  • Presentation of the Transport Climate Action Directory - Orla McCarthy, ITF
  • Q+A
  • Statement from Ms. Katia Simeonova, Coordinator of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation of the UNFCCC and manager in the Transparency division of the UNFCCC Secretariat
  • Statement from UK Department for Transport – Ms. Saira Hamilton
  • Statement from IRU – Director Advocacy, Mr. Matthias Maedge
  • Statement (by video) from Mr. Paul Kishimoto of IIASA 
  • Statement from Corporate Partnership Board member Iberdrola, Mr. Francisco Laveron Simavilla
  • Closing remarks: Jari Kauppila, ITF 

This event is part of the ITF Decarbonising Transport initiative.

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