8th ITF Transport Statistics meeting
ITF Meeting
The meeting aims to continue developing a more consistent and efficient international framework for transport statistics.
Agenda Item 3. Data Gaps in Transport Policymaking
3.1 Presentation of Mobility Statistics in Latvia. Presentation by Dita Zemite, Latvia
3.2 EU Transport Statistics - Data gaps. Presentation by Nikolaos Roubanis, Eurostat
3.3 Results from the EU Mobility Survey. Presentation by Iuliana Lupu, European Commission
3.4 Presentation of the Task Force on Collecting Data on Emerging Mobility Patterns. Presentation by Rachele Poggi, ITF
Background documents:
Task Force on Collecting Data on Emerging Mobility Patterns - Concept note
Agenda Item 4. Innovation Hub Project: New Mobility Outlook
4.1 ITF Innovation Hub Project: New Mobility Outlook. Presentation by Rachele Poggi, ITF
4.2 Preliminary Findings of the New Mobility Stakeholder Survey. Presentation by Nicholas Caros, ITF
Agenda Item 5. Innovation in Transport Data Application
5.1 Applying High-Frequency Data for Calculating CO2 Emissions from Air Transport. Presentation by Daniel Clarke, OECD
5.2 The Asian Transport Outlook: an Innovative Knowledge Management Tool for the Sustainable Development of the Transport Sector in Asia. Presentation by Cornie Huizenga, Asian Development Bank
Agenda Item 6. Transport Enabling Sustainable Economies (ITF Summit 2023)
6.1 Introducing ITF Summit 2023. Presentation by Magda Olczak, ITF
6.2 Introducing ITF Transport Outlook 2023. Presentation by Orla McCarthy, ITF
6.3 Inclusive Rail Statistics. Presentation by Alice Favre, UIC
6.4 EU Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. Presentation by Iuliana Lupu, European Commission
Agenda Item 7. ITF Activities
7.1 ITF Statistics Activities: Ongoing and Upcoming. Presentation by Rachele Poggi, ITF
7.2 Eurostat/ITF/UNECE Common Questionnaire. Presentation by Alain Gallais, Eurostat
7.3 Leveraging Data for Accessibility and Equity Assessment: Case Studies from Ghana and South Korea. Presentation by Yaroslav Kholodov, ITF
Agenda Item 8. Task Force on Transport Satellite Account
8.1 Developing Thematic Satellite Accounts: the Example of a Thematic Satellite Account for Transport. Presentation by Mario Barreto, ITF
Background documents:
Developing thematic satellite accounts: The example of a thematic satellite account for transport, Peter van de Ven
Agenda Item 9. Innovation in Transport Measurement and Communication
9.1 Leveraging Sentinel Data for Road Infrastructure Management. Presentation by Alessandra Tassa, European Space Agency
9.2 Innovation in Visualising Transport Volumes. Presentation by Alexander Blackburn, UNECE
Agenda Item 10. Towards an Inclusive Transport Statistics Community Globally
10.1 Introduction of the International Transport Energy Modelling Group (iTEM). Presentation by Sonya Yeh, Chalmers University of Technology, and Paul Kishimoto, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
10.2 Task Team of Mobile Phone Data: a Multi-Partner Collaborative Approach. Presentation by Esperanza Magpantay, International Telecommunication Unit