Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Bridge Seminar

ITF Meeting ITF Meeting

The seminar is organised by the Working Group on ITS for High Capacity Vehicles. The main objectives are to assess and mitigate load effects on existing and new bridges induced by High Capacity Vehicles, and to propose measures to extend the lifetime of the road bridges. Some topics are already identified to be investigated:

  • To collect and present the methodologies of load effects' assessment on road bridges, induced by HCVs and abnormal loads.
  • To identify sensitive bridges and sub-structures against maximum loads and in fatigue, for different types of HCVs and exceptional loads.
  • To propose mitigation measures and specific design rules or assessment criteria to prevent additional damages induced in bridges by HCVs and abnormal loads, incl. bridge load monitoring and regulation and Smart Infrastructure Access Policies (SIAP).

Participants and target audience
The seminar will be mainly organised as an interactive workshop to facilitate networking and cross input between bridge engineers and experts and the ITF group members, and to collect data and information relevant for the final report of the ITF group. A selection of bridge engineers and experts, specialised in bridge loading, bridge design codes, bridge reliability, assessment and maintenance, and fatigue of steel bridges will be invited as keynote speakers, panellists or contributors to some workshops.
However, the seminar is open to a wider audience of bridge and heavy vehicle researchers and engineers, and decision makers interested.

If you are interested, please send an email to the organisers:

Bernard Jacob (IFSTTAR, France)

Raimonds Aronietis (ITF)

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