Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


10th UIC Congress on High-speed Rail

27 August 2020

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim will speak at Round Table 2 on "How can high-speed rail (re)...

Appendices I and II

28 August 2020

Intermodal Transport: National Peer Review - Turkey

28 August 2020

Turkey is growing fast, owing mainly to rapidly increasing trade. In order to facilitate this trade...

Hız Yönetimi

28 August 2020

Drivers of Logistics Performance: A Case Study of Turkey

28 August 2020

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İntermodal Taşımacılık

28 August 2020

İntermodal Taşımacılık Ulusal Ülke İncelemesi Türk makamları ile müzakereleri müteakip Eylül 2006’...