Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

The Final Frontier of Urban Logistics: Tackling the Last Metres

The Final Frontier of Urban Logistics

This project examines various options for tackling the final step in the logistics chain. Last-mile deliveries are critical, but how can parcels efficiently and securely travel from the delivery vehicle, package locker or local drop-off location to the recipient's front door?

These very last metres are the final frontier for urban deliveries. The rise of e-commerce has increased the number of deliveries in already crowded cities. Accommodating this growing demand in ways that are both sustainable and socially acceptable is a critical challenge for cities. Proposed solutions include porters, bicycle deliveries and automated delivery pods.

Join our interactive "Ask the Author" webinar and have your questions answered by our experts on 17 October 2024

Policy Insights

  • Prioritise feasible last-metre solutions that fit the context.
  • Establish effective policy frameworks to manage urban freight operations and safeguard public interests while allowing innovation.
  • Anticipate the associated risks of potential logistics interventions.
  • Recognise the added legal complexities and responsibilities of pursuing urban automated deliveries.

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