Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

How does the visualisation tool work?

  1. Select cities for comparison from the “Select cities” menu.
  2. Set your preferences in the “Set your criteria” menu. You can select the:
  • weight of each destination to change its importance relative to the others.
  • indicator (Access, Proximity, or Performance).
  • travel area (City, Commuting Zone, or FUA).
  • mode of transport (Car, Public Transport, Walking, Cycling).
  • maximum travel time/distance to reach a destination.

The tool will display results for the selected cities according to your criteria. The size of each petal represents the indicator level for a particular dimension (destination) in each city. Hover over the petal to see more information.

The size of each stem represents the overall score level with all five dimensions (destinations) combined. Hover over the stem to see more information, including the city’s rank in the selection or in general.

Click on the city’s name to get a detailed result.

The button “What does this tool measure?” explains for terminology and provides methodological background.

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