Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

International Best Practices to Promote Eco-friendly Cars Expert Workshop

ITF Meeting ITF Meeting

Workshop Agenda 

Keynote presentation

Taking stock of clean car policies and technologies. Jacob Teter, International Energy Agency

Session 1 – Policy strategies for cleaner cars

Korea’s strategy for promoting eco-friendly cars focused on H2 cars. Goangsung Jin, The Korea Transport Institute, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

How China promotes new energy vehicles, historically, now, and in the future. Yidan Chu, International Council for Clean Transportation

The future of clean cars in Europe: EU Green Deal and EURO 7. Panagiota Dilara, European Commission (DG GROW)

Overview of MLIT’s Vehicle Environmental Policy. Hiroshi Morimoto, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan

Policy Strategies for Cleaner Cars in the US and California. Lewis Fulton, University of California Davis

Session 2 – Priorities to promote and manage the transition to cleaner cars

Planet ZEV Clean Cars? OEM strategic response. Tom De Vleesschauwer, IHS Markit

The coming hydrogen economy and vision 2030Minoh Park, Hyundai Motor Group

Norwegian BEV policies. Øystein Bieltvedt Skeie, Norwegian Ministry of Finance

Is Europe heading for another Dieselgate? Julia Poliscanova, Transport & Environment

Session 3 – Use of ITS technologies for clean car policy

Satellite Navigation (GNSS) bringing innovation to Road User Charging. Alberto Fernandez-Wyttenbach, European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency

User-friendly information on urban access regulations schemes. Fons Verhelst, European Commission (DG MOVE)

Korean New Deal Policies & Implementation of Eco-friendly C-ITS. Jang Yoo-Jin , Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korea

Transition to Electric Cars: Importance of Charging Information. Jang Kitae, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Green traffic through technology. Barbara Hollinger, Kapsch

Use of ITS technologies for clean car policies. François Guichard, World Forum for the harmonisation of vehicle regulations, United Nations

Session 4 – Experiences from the application of ITS in the case of road user charges

Providing sustainable financing to prepare carbon emission free road transport, including clean vehicles. Malika Seddi, European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures

Singapore’s Experience with Road User Charges. Walter Theseira, Singapore University of Social Science

Electrification and a need for road user charging. Highlighting discussions and issues from The Netherlands and Vancouver, CA. Dirk van Amelsfort, Goudappel Coffeng, the Netherlands

Road Usage Charging (RUC): Sustainable transportation funding in the era of eco-friendly cars. Matthew Dorfman, Milestone Solutions

This event is funded by the Korean MOLIT and organised under the Decarbonising Transport initiative

For further information, please contact Till Bunsen,

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