High Speed Rail Performance in France: From Appraisal Methodologies to Ex-post Evaluation
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2013
Valuing Convenience in Public Transport in the Korean Context
Presentation, slides, speech,
12 September 2013
Global Freight Volumes Indicate Increasing Dependency On Asia-Led Growth
Statistics Brief,
30 June 2013
Upgrading to World Class: The Future of the New York Region’s Airports
Discussion Paper,
1 February 2013
New Drivers in Mobility: What Moves the Dutch in 2012 and Beyond?
Discussion Paper,
30 September 2012
OECD Countries Spend 1% of GDP on Road and Rail Infrastructure on Average
Statistics Brief,
31 May 2012
The Evolution of London’s Crossrail Scheme and the Development of the Department for Transport’s Economic Appraisal Methods
Discussion Paper,
1 November 2011
Effective Regulatory Institutions: The Regulator's Role in the Policy Process
Presentation, slides, speech,
2 December 2010
Competition for Long Distance Passenger Rail Services: The Emerging Evidence
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2009
Long-Distance Passenger Rail Services in Europe: Market Access Models and Implications for Germany
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2009
High-Speed Inter-City Transport System in Japan Past, Present and the Future
Discussion Paper,
1 December 2009
Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail
Roundtable Report,
4 November 2009
Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail
Discussion Paper,
30 September 2009
Mondialisation Et Impact Sur Les Transports Terrestres Et Internationaux
Discussion Paper,
22 April 2009
Are Horizontal Mergers and Vertical Integration a Problem?
Presentation, slides, speech,
6 February 2009