Weight per nondrive axle:
10 t
Road Train 5 axles and +:
40 t (10,11)
Articulated Vehicle 5 axles and +:
40 t (12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)
(1) Alternative fuel vehicle where additional weight is required for the alternative fuel technology: 19 t.
(2) Zero-emission vehicle where additional weight is required for the zero-emission technology: 20 t.
(3) Vehicle with three axles equipped with double mounted tyres on running axle with pneumatic suspension or an equivalent system to the EU level, or each running axle has double mounted tyres and axle load less than 9.5 t: 26 t.
(4) Alternative fuel vehicle where additional weight is required for the alternative fuel technology: 26 t.
(5) Three-axle alternative fuel vehicle: the maximum authorised weight is increased by the additional weight required for the alternative fuel technology with a maximum of 1 t. if the driving axle is fitted with pneumatic suspension or recognized as equivalent to EU level, or each driving axle is fitted with double tyres and the MMA on each axle does not exceed 9.5 t: 27 t.
(6) Zero-emission vehicles where additional weight is required for the zero-emission technology: 27 t.
(7) Zero-emission vehicles equipped with double mounted tyres on running axle and with pneumatic suspension or an equivalent system to EU level, or each running axle has double mounted tyres and axle load less than 9.5 t is additional weight is required for the zero-emission technology: 28 t.
(8) Combinations of vehicles with a trailer consisting of a two-axle alternative fuel vehicle and a two-axle trailer if additional weight is required for the alternative fuel technology: 37 t.
(9) Combinations of vehicles with a trailer consisting of a two-axle zero-emission vehicle and a two-axle trailer if additional weight is required for the zero-emission technology: 38 t.
(10) Combinations of vehicles with a trailer consisting of a two-axle alternative fuel vehicle and a three (or more) axle trailer, or a three-axle alternative fuel vehicle and a two (or more) axle trailer, if additional weight is required for the alternative fuel technology: 41 t.
(11) Combinations of vehicles with a trailer consisting of a two-axle zero-emission vehicle and a three (or more) axle trailer, or a three-axle zero-emission vehicle and a two (or more) axle trailer, if additional weight is required for the zero-emission technology: 42 t.
(12) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a two-axle alternative fuel tractor and a three (or more) axle semi-trailer, or a three-axle alternative fuel tractor and a two (or more) axle semi-trailer, if additional weight is required for the alternative fuel technology: 41 t.
(13) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a two-axle zero-emission tractor and a three (or more) axle semi-trailer, or a three-axle zero-emission tractor and a two (or more) axle semi-trailer, if additional weight is required for the zero-emission technology: 42 t.
(14) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a two-axle tractor and a three-axle semi-trailer which, during intermodal transport operations, carries one or more containers or swap bodies with a maximum overall length not exceeding 45 ft: 42 t.
(15) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a two-axle alternative fuel tractor and a three-axle semi-trailer which, during intermodal transport operations, carries one or more containers or swap bodies with a maximum overall length not exceeding 45 ft, if additional weight is required for alternative fuel technology: 43t.
(16) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a two-axle zero-emission tractor and a three-axle semi-trailer which, during intermodal transport operations, carries one or more containers or swap bodies with a maximum overall length not exceeding 45 ft, if additional weight is required for alternative zero-emission technology: 44t.
(17) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a three-axle tractor and a two-axle or three-axle semi-trailer which, during intermodal transport operations, carries one or more containers or swap bodies with a maximum overall length not exceeding 45 ft: 44 t.
(18) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a three-axle alternative fuel tractor and a two-axle or three-axle semi-trailer which, during intermodal transport operations, carries one or more containers or swap bodies with a maximum overall length not exceeding 45 ft, if additional weight is required for alternative fuel technology: 45t.
(19) Combinations of vehicles with a semi-trailer consisting of a three-axle zero-emission tractor and a two-axle or three-axle semi-trailer which, during intermodal transport operations, carries one or more containers or swap bodies with a maximum overall length not exceeding 45 ft, if additional weight is required for alternative zero-emission technology: 46t.