Safer City Streets Network: 7th Meeting
ITF Meeting
Go a summary of the meeting (PDF)
The ITF Safer City Streets network offers a platform for road safety experts to share their experience and develop a global database at city level. A full network meeting took place in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 18-19 October 2022. It was attended by over 126 participants from at least 22 countries, including representatives from at least 15 cities.
The agenda of the 7th network meeting reflected priorities set by ITF and the meeting chair: the Secretariat of Transport of the State of Jalisco, as well as issues identified during the 2021 webinars and online workshops:
• Monitoring progress in urban road safety, including new data and report release.
• Inclusion, equity, gender, sustainability and participatory initiatives.
• Road safety and public transport.
• Speed management.
• Protecting vulnerable road users.
• Public engagement, advocacy and campaigns.
Several major partners in the world of road safety and sustainable urban mobility have contributed to the agenda and organized partner events before and after the Safer City Streets meeting. Partner events were held by the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, iRAP, SOLUTUIONSplus, FIA, Vital Strategies, WRI and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety.
The updated Monitoring Progress in Urban Road Safety report that benchmarks 32 cities with data up to 2020 was launched at the meeting.
The ITF Safer City Streets initiative was launched in October 2016 at the UN Habitat III Conference. Thanks to the support of the FIA Road Safety Grant programme, as well as the support from ITF's International Road Traffic safety Analysis and Data group (IRTAD), it has grown rapidly to include over 40 cities and offers a global database for road safety performance. Network meetings are organised regularly, generally hosted by a member city. Most participants are from local government, road safety research organisations, NGOs and development banks. The previous meeting in Lisbon attracted over 95 participants.
View the Conference's programme here (PDF)
View a list of the Conference's speakers here (PDF)
View presentations given at the event
The Conference is jointly organised by the International Transport Forum with the Secretariat of Transport of the State of Jalisco.
Partner events
Several partners held events before and after the conference:
- Monday 17 October, 10:00 – 15:30: Vital Strategies Regional Meeting on Road Safety Data [closed meeting]
- Monday 17 October, 14:00 – 16:00: SOLUTIONSplus Workshop: Electromobility and Road Safety: Challenges and Opportunities – Event Description
- Monday 17 October, 16:00 – 17:30: Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety: NGOs Driving Change through Advocacy – Event Description
- Tuesday 18 October, 09:00 – 10:30: WRI Workshop: Guide for Walkable Environments
- Tuesday 18 October, 11:00 – 12:20: iRAP event: Latin America launch of the CycleRAP Program – Event Description
- Tuesday 18 October, 10:00 – 13:00: FIA Road Safety Training Session for Automobile Clubs [closed meeting]
- Thursday 19 October, 10:00 – 12:00: World Bank Workshop on Road Safety Guidelines for PROTRAM supported projects
- Thursday 19 October, 14:00 – 15:30: Inter-American Development Bank Workshop on Generating Funding for Road Safety in Cities – Event Description