Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ... Indicators:  Note: Since 2005, rail freight transport includes all rail vehicle movements. Road freight transport is derived from the vehicle ...

    Promoting inland waterways

    ... However, as railway emissions for the corresponding rail segment are lower than those of river transport, emissions could increase ... public: 2001-2014. Jonkeren O., ...

    Enhanced bus networks

    ... services can reduce emissions of the bus network by 13% (Tang, 2018). In Barcelona, Spain, adjusting the network structure, ...


    ... Note: Since 2007 rail freight transport includes transport carried out on the Bane Denmark network. Note: Until 2006 rail passenger transport includes transport carried out on the network managed ...

    10th ITF Transport Statistics Meeting

    ... task_force_on_standard_inputs_for_economic_analyses_for_rail.pdf 3.1 Task Force on Standard Inputs for Economic Analyses for Rail. Presentation by Giacomo POTENZA, ERA ...

    Electric road systems

    ... operated on the existing road infrastructure. Conductive rail systems transmit energy to rails in the ground and thence to the vehicle ... current collector system – a movable arm that detects the rail. When overtaking, the arm can automatically raise; when stopping, the ...