Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Italy Control Body

    ... i_control_bodies_2022.pdf Title:  Italy Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  ...

    Estonia Control Body

    ... Title:  Estonia Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  ...


    ... for rail passenger transport was changed. Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ... for rail passenger transport was changed. Data include road passenger transport by car and bus. ...

    Türkiye Control Body

    ... Title:  Türkiye Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  ...

    Romania Control Body

    ... Title:  Romania Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  ...


    Bits and bytes are driving transport innovation in the 21st century. Policy makers are keen to pursue the opportunities for better transport coming from smartphones, automated driving or blockchain technology. ITF work on the digital dimension...